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About Clarification Foi musulmane

CLARIFICATION OF MUSLIM FAITH HASSAN SHEIKH of AYOUB I present to the reader this noble book on what we should believe about God exalted, His angels, His Books, and His Messengers. It also discusses what we should believe...


I present to the reader this noble book on what we should believe about God exalted, His angels, His Books, and His Messengers. It also discusses what we should believe on the final day and preambles, and the fate of the universe.
We rely on it in the transmitted and irrefutable arguments and the arguments dictated by reason and by ancient and modern sciences.
In the exhibition of the subjects of this book, I followed the method of ease and comfort to enable the common reader to grasp the problems and understand all that I cite as principles and as science .
Thus it can in turn teach his family and his community without the risk of falling into error or ambiguity.
I did everything I could to employ the same time in the Ancient and Modern method both in what refers to the problems and principles as regards the exposure of arguments and deduction of results.
My only goal is profit that derives from his reading as the one who studied this science according to the ancient method that one who has studied according to the modern method. I would even like that it benefits the one who has never studied and never paid no attention to him.
I am not exaggerating by saying that this book despite its small volume, is considered the first of its kind in that it has grouped a number of questions of monotheism that are scattered in many books, so much so that it was not easy to find the researcher nor the student to put them together.
I cite as an example the following topics:
- The miraculous side of the Koran.
- The special invisible beings (the spirits) and their acts affecting humans,
- Spiritualism,
- Things that do not agree with monotheism,
- The quote of some Islamic sects with a brief biography for each.
The merit of the study of these problems is for the noble scholars who preceded us. They are the ones the primary source. It is from them that gushes radiation that guide us. To them goes the credit for having emphasized, for having clarified and to have assembled evidence.
All I did was bring together dispersed knowledge, to simplify what is complicated and facilitate what is difficult.
Then we presented all this to the reader the way which we thought was suitable while expressing our own opinions on certain issues Based on the arguments of the Book and the Prophet's tradition (BSDL).

I recognize that what prompted me first to leave this book is that good mass Muslims who listened to these topics at conferences Thursday I was in the faculty of engineering in Cairo and then Fahd Mosque Assalam the Salimya Kuwait thereafter.
If it was the insistence of the crowds for me to print these conferences to bring them within reach of those interested, I would not have been keen to publish this book and this because of my many occupations in the area of ​​the spread of Islam and the continuous efforts it requires.
I pray God to preserve our hearts of any deviation, to cleanse our souls of the hidden associationism (ostentation) and give power and victory to our nation and our religion.
He is the best protector and the best support.

Previous Versions

Here you can find the changelog of Clarification Foi musulmane since it was posted on our website on 2023-03-31 08:50:08. The latest version is 1.0 and it was updated on 2024-05-11 19:39:55. See below the changes in each version.

Clarification Foi musulmane version 1.0
Updated At: 2016-06-16

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Updated At: 2024-05-11 19:39:55
Publisher: Charni
Operating System: Android
License Type: Free